Friday June 23rd
Due to the cold and rain, all Swim and Dive Practices are cancelled for the rest of today, Friday June 23rd!
Wednesday 6/14
Swim Meet Heat Sheets
Here is the Heat Sheet for tonight’s meet. Several events have been updated from what was sent out last night and what is posted at the pool. Please refer to this for what your child is swimming. These will not be available at the pool so please print one for your family. It is important that swimmers have their events written on their arms in permanent marker. The coaches will not have time to do this at the meet.
Attached is a picture for our new families on how that should be complete.
Please arrive 15 minutes before your warm-up time.
8&unders 5:00-5:15
9/10 5:15-5:30
Seniors 5:30-5:45
The temperature does not look to get above mid-70’s today. Make sure your child has warm clothes to wear, lot of towels, and maybe even bring a blanket. Everyone should have water with them.
A reminder that we cannot park in the Refectory parking lot after 5:00. The tennis court is open for parking.
I look forward to seeing everyone compete tonight!
Coach Melanie
Tuesday 6/13/23 7:30am
A small amount of rain is coming in for the first groups so we are going to push back senior swim and 9/10 dive to begin at 8:30 with normal ending times.
Monday 6/12/23
With the weather looking just as cool tomorrow morning and the chance of rain again we are adjusting all practices.
Seniors and 9/10 swimmers: Dryland the first half and in water second half. Wear proper clothes and shoes. Normal Practice times.
8&under swimmers: Practice is shortened. 10:30-11:00
8&under and 6&under swimmers: Practice is shortened 11:00-11:30
Dive Team: All practices will be split between dryland and in water. Wear proper clothing and shoes for dryland.
Please keep an eye on BAND and Facebook if we need to cancel due to storms.
1064 Bethel Rd, Columbus, OH 43220 614-972-7399 (call or text!)
Mailing address: PO Box 20015, Columbus, OH 43220
2024 Board of Directors
Alicia McAuliffe – President | Dick Rabold – Vice President | Deb Mosko – Secretary | Jeremy Ohlinger – Treasurer | Cheryl Alexander| Jim Fritz | Larry Nelson | Betsy Saxer | Mark Witchey